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Welcome to the Fred’s Heating and Air blog, where we share insights, tips, and the latest in HVAC technology to keep you informed and comfortable. Our expert team is passionate about creating a space where homeowners and businesses can discover valuable information on heating, air conditioning, and indoor air quality. From energy-efficient solutions to maintenance tips, we aim to empower you to make informed decisions about your HVAC systems. Stay tuned for regular updates, industry trends, and stories from the field. At Fred’s Heating and Air, we’re not just about keeping you cozy – we’re about keeping you well-informed too.
Don’t Waste Time – Have an Energy Evaluation Critique Your Omaha Home
As cold as it gets in Omaha and Council Bluffs, winter can actually be a very pleasant season. Yes, there’s snow to shovel from time to time, but there’s no grass to mow, no weeding or planting to be done, no outdoor projects to be completed. But there’s one project...
4 Duct-System Issues That Undermine Heating Efficiency
If you have forced-air heating and cooling, duct systems are used to distribute hot and cold air around your home. Ductwork is notorious for wasting large amounts of energy, which in turn increases your utility bills while detracting from home comfort. Here are four...
Get In On The Benefits Duct Sealing Offers
Leaks in your ductwork can cost you — in terms of energy efficiency and air quality. Heated air that escapes through breaches doesn’t get to its intended destination, so you’re spending more to keep your home warm. Ductwork issues can also degrade your air. It’s smart...
The Key Elements Of Efficient Ductwork Design
Winter is approaching fast, and most homeowners in Omaha and Council Bluffs are busy getting their homes ready for winter. For you, this may mean repairing your ductwork. A poorly designed or leaky duct system can significantly reduce the efficiency of a furnace. You...
If Present, Ductwork Leaks Are Costing You Money
In the face of rising energy costs, most homeowners are looking for ways to lower their heating and cooling bills. Here in the Omaha-Council Bluffs area, keeping a home both warm and energy efficient in the winter can be a challenge. You may have already installed a...